Thursday, January 2, 2025
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International Seminar on Polar studies (ISPS)

A one day  International Seminar on Polar studies was organised in connection with the inauguration of the International Centre for Polar Studies (ICPS) by Mahatma Gandhi University in collaboration with National Centre for Polar and ocean research (NCPOR), Goa on 24 June 2021. This seminar was a premier event for scholars and students and offered unique educational and operational knowledge sharing within the broad spectrum of Polar science. The Seminar aimed to throw up newer ideas that could go a long way in streamlining polar studies globally. The seminar was inaugurated by Prof. Sabu Thomas, Vice chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi University and the keynote address was given by Dr. M. Ravichandran, Director, NCPOR. Diverse resource persons from various fields of Polar science across the world participated in the seminar. They shared their expertise on both social and scientific aspects of the polar environment.

Dr. Rahul Mohan, (Scientist, NCPOR), explained the history of Antarctic expeditions, the present status and the impact of human activities on the Antarctic. Dr.  K.P.Krishnan (Scientist, NCPOR) detailed the challenges and opportunities in Arctic research. Dr. Seethi (Director, IUCSSRE, Mahatma Gandhi University) presented new insights into the geopolitical aspects of the Arctic.  Dr. Thamban Meloth (Scientist, NCPOR) highighted the significance of the Third pole, Himalaya on the changing climatic conditions. Mr. sony from World Resource Institute presented the ecological issues of Himalaya based on their studies in Western Himalaya.

A detailed account of the contamination in the Antarctic waters, Arctic regions and influence of regional changes on global process was presented by Dr. Kallenborn (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) and Dr. Ramasamy (School of Environmental Sciences, MG University). Dr. Loonen (University of Groningen) briefed the Arctic research facilities at Svalbard. There were discussions on ecosystems and climate change and the impact on humans and their role in managing the ecosystems by Prof. Murathand and Dr.Mathew ( Norwegian University of Science and Technology).

ISPS served as a platform for addressing the socio-political-environmental challenges in polar studies. It provided an opportunity to gain valuable insights to assist and to explore the opportunities in the socio-political and scientific dimensions of the Polar environment. More than 500 participants have attended the seminar from various parts of the globe. 

Conveners :   

  • Dr. Mahesh Mohan & Dr. Mathew A. Varghese
  • Joint Directors, International Centre for Polar Studies

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